Post-Workout Stretching Routine For Muay Thai

My 15-Minute Post-Training Stretching Routine

By Sean Fagan

Stretching is a crucial aspect of Muay Thai training that many people overlook. Without any type of flexibility, it can be very difficult to perform head kicks (and even body kicks sometimes too). Not to mention, lack of flexibility can also cause serious issues in the body including lower back pain and knee problems.

With that being said, here is the post-workout stretching routine that I do after almost every one of my training sessions. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

15-Minute Stretching Routine For Muay Thai

Like I mention in the video, although stretching is important, it’s still only 1 of 9 aspects of flexibility. And I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty naive when it comes to flexibility and although I’ve been doing yoga for 3+ years and stretching routinely, I still haven’t even come close to getting the results I want.

It wasn’t until recently an online buddy of mine, Eric Wong (who also happens to ...

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How To Increase Punching Power For Muay Thai

The Best Exercises & Workouts To Develop KO Power In Your Hands

By Sean Fagan

Want to increase punching power?

Want to learn how to punch hard so you can land the perfect knock out punch the next time you fight?

Want to know the best tips and great exercises that are sure to help you improve your punching power?

If you answered yes to all of those questions, scroll down to find great boxing, mma and Muay Thai training tips and the best explosive exercises to increase punching power!

Top 5 Exercises To Punch Harder

Explosive Pushups 

Plyometric exercises like explosive pushups are sure to help you increase your power punching. An explosive pushup is very similar to a regular pushup except you are pushing yourself off the ground as high as you can.To make it even more of a challenge, try doing explosive push ups like the guy to the right!

Clean and Press 

This full body power lifting exercise helps increase the power and explosiveness of your entire body.There is no way this ...

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15 KILLER Muay Thai Elbow Techniques & Combinations

Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Muay Thai Elbow Strikes and Technique Videos

By Sean Fagan


There isn’t a much cooler feeling than landing a clean elbow strike in a fight, but on the other hand, being hit or cut with an elbow is not cool at all.

Knowing a variety of Muay Thai elbow techniques is a crucial component of the clinch game, and neglecting to learn certain elbow techniques can leave you at a disadvantage in the clinch.

There are also elbow strikes you can use from the outside like the spinning back elbow, which is SICK if you land it!

Even if you don’t fight with elbows (in a modified rules bout or a kickboxing fight), it’s good to still practice them and know them for when you are allowed to throw them. Below I’ve come up with a bunch of the best muay thai elbow strikes and technique videos to check out. Give them a look and start to implement them into your training!

4 Basic Muay Thai Elbow Techniques

In this technique video Sean Hinds and a former opponent o...

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13 Rules for Proper Muay Thai Gym Etiquette

etiquette gym rules tips May 16, 2019

No matter how long or short you’ve been practicing Muay Thai, it’s always good to look over some general etiquette so the gym is a comfortable place for everyone.

By Sean Fagan

1. Show up on time. Better yet, show up 10-15 min early.

One of the best quotes when it comes to punctuality came from the movie Drumline:

“If you’re on time you’re late, if you’re early you’re on time.”

Get off to a good start by showing your trainers that you’re game and ready to learn; the first step to doing this is respecting the class start and end times. Show up early to change, wrap your hands, and other things you may need to do before taking a class.

2. No shoes on the mat.

This goes for most martial arts, not just Muay Thai. Stepping on the mat with your shoes brings in all the dirty stuff from outside and can include diseases like staph.

3. Have and bring your own gear.

If you’re just starting out, it’s understandable that you need some time before ordering your first pair of gloves.

But ...

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Overcoming the Fear of Getting Hit


By Sean Fagan

Scared of getting punched in the face?

Worried about wearing a body kick on your ribs?

Don’t like the pain of getting your kicks checked?

Well, believe it or not, you are not alone. Almost everyone who starts out training Muay Thai has the same fears you do. They don’t want to get hurt. They don’t want their pretty face punched in. They avoid sparring because they are worried about being embarrassed or beat up.

Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, if you want to improve your technique and actually become competent in the art of Muay Thai, you are going to have to face your fears at one point or another.

You are going to have to come to terms with pain, anxiety, and fear. You are going to have to be a little crazy if you want to be successful in the art of eight limbs.

Now I don’t mean to brag but, I’m really good at getting punched in the face (my mom is so proud). Not o...

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How To Set Up The Liver Punch KO

The Liver Shot – Muay Thai Technique Tutorial

By Sean Fagan

The Pit.

The liver shot is can absolutely CRIPPLE your opponent if you set it up and place properly. The human body can’t help but react when it gets pummeled to the liver… it’s a horrible, painful feeling.

Kickboxing legend Ernesto Hoost is known for his signature liver punch technique followed by a brutal low kick. Watching how much power and force he puts into each and every liver punch is INSANE. Even when his opponents were aware of his powerful liver punch, he would find ways to open up his opponents guard with setups like the one in the technique video below.

Learn how to set up a liver punch like Ernesto Hoost so you can KO your opponents or drop your sparring partners to their knees!

Do you know an even MORE brutal shot to take to the body?

Well, if you’re a Muay Thai guy (or girl) then you should know about the power behind a Muay thai roundhouse kick.

Elite fighters like Yodsanklai and Buakaw are always p...

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5 Shadow Boxing Tips To QUICKLY Improve Your Muay Thai Technique

Why You Shadowboxing is an Absolute MUST!

By Sean Fagan

If you half ass or skip shadow boxing you probably don’t understand how much it negatively effects your Muay Thai technique (and overall work ethic).

Most people think it is boring and only a warm up to the actual Muay Thai training session… but it’s not.

Shadow boxing the best place to take your Muay Thai technique to the next level. If you take the time to flow with your techniques, be creative with your combinations and feel how your muscles, joints and limbs move, you will become more self-aware which is key to being your own teacher.

Top 5 Shadowboxing Tips For Muay Thai

How to get the most out of your shadowboxing 

1) Set time aside to focus and just shadow box.

If you just go through the motions and do a round or two of shadow boxing without putting your mind into it, you’re missing the point. Having intention and focus behind everything you do will dramatically improve your learning curve so techniques become mor...

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6 Muay Thai Clinch Techniques: Knees, Elbows, Throws and Drills

Muay Thai Knees, Elbows and Sweep Techniques

By Sean Fagan

The Muay Thai clinch.

It can be your best friend or your worst enemy… and I’m guessing you want to be friends with your clinch game right?

When it comes to learning the intricacies of the clinch game it can get a bit overwhelming. There are basically an infinite number of clinch knees, elbows, sweeps, defensive moves and off-balance techniques that you have to be aware of to be proficient when battling on the inside.

So, in order to help you add more variety to your and embrace the clinch game I want to share you some of the best Muay Thai clinch techniques that you should consider adding to your skill set.

First I want to show you a couple effective clinch knee techniques that you can utilize to land a flush knee either to your opponents body or head. The first video below is by UK Muay Thai champ, Damien Trainor of K-Star Legacy Gym who demonstrates a useful off-balancing technique followed by a knee. The second video...

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Yoga + Muay Thai = Perfect Combination

How Yoga Will Make You a Better Muay Thai Fighter & Person

By Sean Fagan

Is it crazy for me to say that Yoga has been a major part of my success in Muay Thai and in life?

It might be, especially when most people have preconceptions about practicing Yoga that are (mostly) not true.

Sure, there are some weird chants, poses, and techniques that you’ll find yourself doing during an intense Yoga class, but if you’re able to laugh at yourself and take Yoga for what it is, it can be incredibly beneficial to your Muay Thai training and life in general.

I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and give Yoga a try. Although it might not be for everyone, I’m confident that you will take something useful from the practice if you stick with it. 

6 Benefits Of Yoga For Muay Thai

1. Flexibility

One of the most obvious benefits you’ll notice when you start to implement Yoga and Muay Thai together is the improvement in your flexibility and your overall range of motion.

Every Muay T...

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The Most Important Muay Thai Strike... The TEEP (or Push Kick)

How To Throw A Teep / Front Kick / Push Kick (All Same Same)

By Sean Fagan

You need to learn how to throw a push kick before you step into the ring to spar or fight!

This basic Muay Thai kick technique also called ‘teep’ or front kick is important for keeping your opponent at bay, upsetting his/her tempo and even using it to hurt your opponent!

Needless to say the teep technique seems like there isn’t much to it and that it wouldn’t really hurt that much getting hit by it. Take it from a guy who has been hit with a lot of front kicks to the body… that shit hurts!

There are many reasons why you should learning how to throw a push kick. Regardless whether you use it for offense, defense or set up purposes, it’s important to know the minor details in order to get the most out of your Muay Yhai front kick technique.

Basic Muay Thai Push Kick Technique Tips:

  • Push up on the balls of your post foot. This will help generate power, improve your accuracy and help push your opponent
  • ...
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