10 Basic Muay Thai Combos For Beginners


By Evan Lee

Wait? Isn’t this quantity over quality? Well, that depends on how you look at it.

Quantity is an often overlooked component of training. The focus on quality is often at the forefront of everyone’s vision. It makes sense, because by attempting to spread yourself across you will be spreading yourself thin, thus proving the inferiority of quantity. 

In what world, then, would it be sane to suggest that quantity rule over quality?

In one where mistakes can be made.

Training can often get stale when all you do is sharpen your own tools. When one is preparing for a fight, any mistake in training can be costly and throw off the entire training camp, the margins of error are thin. No room for no lollygagging up in this.

What about when you’re not training for a fight? That’s when the fun begins.

When you’re training for fun and to develop skills, that’s when you can throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. Fin...

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Muay Thai Roundhouse Kick Technique Tips


By Sean Fagan

Needless to say, the Muay Thai roundhouse kick is what makes Muay Thai one of the most deadliest martial arts in the world.

However if you throw a Muay Thai kick with sloppy technique you be less efficient (which makes you more tired) and you will leave openings in your defense.

Even though the roundhouse kick is one of the most basic Muay Thai techniques you’ll first learn when you step into a gym, it takes a lifetime to perfect. I’ve been training Thai boxing over 10 years now and still know that there is plenty of room to improve my kick technique to add more power and speed to it.

 How NOT To Muay Thai Kick: 8 Common Mistakes

Basic Kick Technique Tips

  • Be loose! Your leg should almost be completely dead weight that is guided by your hips, shoulders and torso.
  • Push up on the balls of your post foot. This will help you generate more hip action and be more free to rotate through. If you are flat footed you los
  • ...
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Muay Thai Southpaw Technique Tutorial


By Sean Fagan

What’s up, guys! Pro Muay Thai fighter Sean Fagan here with a tutorial video that I put together special for my left-wing brothers, my southpaw soldiers-in-arms.

I made this video after a lot of time spent reading comments on social media that complain about the lack of video procedurals breaking down and instructing how to throw combos from southpaw stance. Sure enough, a cursory Google search is showing me a lot of stuff on how to beat southpaws, not fight as one! 

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. How many southpaw fighters do you know of? Let’s rattle off a few of the greats:

Samart Payakaroon, Manny Pacquiao, Saenchai, Anderson Silva, Orono Wor Petchpun… 

What makes them great? In part, it was the sheer rarity of southpaw fighters in sports. One source tells me that in MMA, only 17% of fighters routinely employ a southpaw stance. That’s worse than a 4:1 ratio when compared with orthodox fighters.

Of co...

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Muay Thai Abs & Core Workouts


By Sean Fagan

Abs workouts and core conditioning for a fighter means much more than just developing a six-pack.  You must focus on training your abs to help you improve movement patterns, strength, and overall performance.

Obviously, your core is extremely important as a Muay Thai fighter. If you have a strong and stable core it will lead to more powerful kicks and punches, better footwork, more efficient clinching, and the ability to absorb more punishment.

You must understand that improving your abs and core region is much more than crunches. In fact, I’m not a big advocate of crunching but I do understand Muay Thai and combat fighters are different and some crunching exercises can be performed.

Today I am going to share two Core and Abs Finisher workout circuits that I use with my fighters at the end of our conditioning for fighters session. These are short, but intense Muay Thai abs workouts and core ...

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Muay Thai Sprint Workout & Bodyweight Circuit


By Sean Fagan

Are you constantly looking to improve your strength and conditioning in one aspect or another? Well, this intense Muay Thai sprint workout and bodyweight circuit is one of my favorite and best workouts to do that will help improve your anaerobic threshold, explosiveness and overall endurance.

It seems relatively simple (and it can be if you slack off) but it can really push and improve your cardio if you are able to perform the sprint workout with intensity and focus. This is what the entire exercise circuit consists of:

  • 10 Pushups
  • 10 Jump Squats
  • 50 Yard Sprint (jog back to start)
  • 10 Plyo Pushups
  • 10 Jump Lunges
  • 50 Yard Sprint (jog back to start)
  • Repeat for 5 sets

Watch the workout video to see the sprint and bodyweight circuit in action:

Muay Thai Sprint Workout and Bodyweight Circuit 


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My Muay Thai Private With Saenchai


By Sean Fagan

When is the last time you got to shoot practice shots with Michael Jordan?

Can you recall the last time you swapped opening move strategies with Bobby Fischer? Or played a friendly round of 18 holes with Tiger Woods?

Have you ever been granted the amazing opportunity to learn from and practice with a real, live legend of sports?

Well, recently, my friends, I got to do just that. Let me tell you all about my Muay Thai private with the one, the only, the king of the cartwheel kick...


This wasn't my first time meeting Saenchai, but it was the longest private I've ever had with the man. And let me tell you: he is EXACTLY what you think he's like.

"Playful" doesn't begin to describe him. Where do I even begin?? When we sparred, every time he landed clean, he started counting me out... LOL. He's so loose no matter what he's doing or showing you. The constant "oooweee!" coming out of his mouth had me grinn...

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4 Deadly Elbow Techniques In The Clinch

How To Knock Your Opponent Out With Elbows Inside The Clinch

From Muay Thai Guy

We’ve all got blades on our arms, some are sharper than others, but they slice and dice all the same. These blades I’m referring to are elbows.

Elbows, like knees, are made to be utilized within close range. Though you may be within the range they’re designed for, that does not always mean you’ll be able to use them properly. Positioning is key. 

What type of position will we be looking at today?

We’ll look, as one always should, at the position of maximal leverage; in this particular instance, the clinch. This is an important point to consider if you’re facing an opponent more physically able than you are. 

It would be silly to fight on an equal playing field, therefore you must be able to maneuver to positions advantageous to you and disadvantageous to him. 

The clinch will be such a position for you. Here are the tricks:

4 Deadly Elbow Techniques In The Clinch

Elbows are great on their own, b...

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6 Muay Thai Low Kick Setup Techniques

Advanced Muay Thai Techniques: How To Set Up The Low Kick

From Muay Thai Guy

The Muay Thai low kick is a crucial technique that helps limit your opponents movement and deliver some serious damage, which could eventually lead to a fight stoppage.

As you progress as a nak muay, you need to learn how to set up certain low kick techniques so you are able to land them without the risk of getting them checked or blocked.

Take a look at these 6 Muay Thai low kick techniques and try adding some of them to your bag of tricks.

6 Muay Thai Low Kick Setup Techniques

Here are the 6 muay thai techniques you’ll find in the tutorial video:

  1. Fake and Drag – Fake a low kick by turning your hip slightly and dragging your back foot. This will ideally draw your opponent’s leg up to try to check your attack. Once they plant their foot back down, that’s when you throw the low kick.
  2. Stiff Arm – Use a stiff arm or a long guard to drive your opponent back. As your opponent steps back, time your lo
  3. ...
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How To Throw A Flying Knee In Muay Thai

Muay Thai Flying Knee Technique Tutorial and Tips

From Muay Thai Guy

If you were to throw and land an awesome technique like the Muay Thai flying knee, you’ll feel like an official badass.

Although this advanced technique may seem difficult at first, if you break it down into a step-by-step movement, you should be able to throw it comfortably and correctly in just a few training sessions!

Learning how to throw a flying knee is cool and all, but make sure when you are fighting you use it sparingly and cautiously since it does leave you open for counters. Although it’s a great surprise attack that can be used to strike your opponents head or body, it shouldn’t be the only technique you focus on during training and fights. Remember – the basics win fights!

How To Throw a Muay Thai Flying Knee Video Tutorial


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There’s a lot that goes into throwing a flying knee strike, but like I said earlier, if yo...

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How Old Is Too Old To Start Fighting Muay Thai?

Is It Realistic To Have My First Muay Thai Fight at 45?

From Muay Thai Guy

I’m a firm believer that it’s never too late to start training Muay Thai. When you begin your Muay Thai training not only will you learn a beautiful (and practical) martial art, but you’ll also be improving the entire spectrum of your health, so why not give it a go?

Now training Muay Thai is one thing, but fighting and actually stepping in the ring to willingly get punched in the face is next level shit. That is when age becomes a real factor due to the high risk of being seriously injured.

Is it realistic to have a fight even if you picked up Muay Thai at a later age? What should a typical training regimen look like when preparing for a fight? These are the questions that Nak Muay Nation fan Chris Large asked me for this weeks Muay Thai Monday Q&A… and here are my answers:

Funny enough, this question is by far one of the most common ones I get sent. And you know the ironic thing? I’ve had people from...

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