By Angela Chang
There’s a new type of fighter that’s been quietly taking the world by storm. They’re faster, stronger, healthier, and have better mental clarity—all thanks to what they put on their plate.
This new type of fighter is having much success eating vegan. They all have their strengths and reasons for choosing a plant-based lifestyle. Vegan athletes are proof that you will not be frail, weak, protein-deficient just because you decide to leave meat, dairy, and eggs out of your diet.
They put an end to the idea that being a great athlete and eating plant-based are mutually exclusive. So here is an attempt to show exactly why these fighters have so much success in their training, recovery, and performance in the ring.
There is an unhealthy obsession in this day and age over protein intake, or, more specifically, how to get as much protein as possible. With the huge boom in rec...
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