4 Reasons To Learn The TKD Snap Kick

kick taekwondo technique Aug 03, 2020


By Matt Filart

It’s a fairly common thing for Muay Thai practitioners to have a sense of superiority when it comes to other martial arts. There's a fair amount of reasoning behind this, due to Muay Thai’s practicality in the real world and how, nowadays, Muay Thai fighters usually beat other styles.

The downside to this mentality (aside from just being pretty lame and annoying) is that it makes a lot of people think that other martial arts, like Taekwondo, have nothing to offer.

This is nowhere near the case. Even if Taekwondo is not all well rounded and all-encompassing as Muay Thai, there are still a lot of things to learn from it, especially in its kicks.

(Side note: Why is Taekwondo considered a "traditional martial art" but Muay Thai isn’t? Muay Thai is older than Taekwondo and most Karate styles by literally every measurement! Rant over.)

We all know that the roundhouse kicks...

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Muay Thai Roundhouse Kick Technique Tips


By Sean Fagan

Needless to say, the Muay Thai roundhouse kick is what makes Muay Thai one of the most deadliest martial arts in the world.

However if you throw a Muay Thai kick with sloppy technique you be less efficient (which makes you more tired) and you will leave openings in your defense.

Even though the roundhouse kick is one of the most basic Muay Thai techniques you’ll first learn when you step into a gym, it takes a lifetime to perfect. I’ve been training Thai boxing over 10 years now and still know that there is plenty of room to improve my kick technique to add more power and speed to it.

 How NOT To Muay Thai Kick: 8 Common Mistakes

Basic Kick Technique Tips

  • Be loose! Your leg should almost be completely dead weight that is guided by your hips, shoulders and torso.
  • Push up on the balls of your post foot. This will help you generate more hip action and be more free to rotate through. If you...
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Muay Thai Southpaw Technique Tutorial


By Sean Fagan

What’s up, guys! Pro Muay Thai fighter Sean Fagan here with a tutorial video that I put together special for my left-wing brothers, my southpaw soldiers-in-arms.

I made this video after a lot of time spent reading comments on social media that complain about the lack of video procedurals breaking down and instructing how to throw combos from southpaw stance. Sure enough, a cursory Google search is showing me a lot of stuff on how to beat southpaws, not fight as one! 

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. How many southpaw fighters do you know of? Let’s rattle off a few of the greats:

Samart PayakaroonManny Pacquiao, Saenchai, Anderson Silva, Orono Wor Petchpun… 

What makes them great? In part, it was the sheer rarity of southpaw fighters in sports. One source tells me that in MMA, only 17% of fighters routinely employ a southpaw stance....

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How To Defeat An Experienced Opponent: Kevin Ross vs. Malaipet Breakdown- Part 1

 Why Malaipet Couldn’t Stop Crazy

From Muay Thai Guy

The following post on how to defeat a more experienced opponent is written by Jon from MuayThaiAnalyst.com. If you enjoy this breakdown and analysis of Kevin Ross vs. Malaipet, you’ll definitely enjoy the rest of Jon’s work on his website. But for now, check out part 1 of this 3-part series on “Why Malaipet Couldn’t Stop Crazy”.

Kevin Ross is a pioneer in American Muay Thai and one of the most accomplished US fighters today. He was voted Muay Thai North American Fighter of the year in 2010 and has held titles from the WBC, USMF and Lion Fight.  Kevin has also fought a number former Thai champions including SaenchaiSagetdaoCoke Chunhawat and Malaipet.

Ross and Malaipet met on Dec 5, 2010 at the Commerce Casino In Los Angeles. Malaipet Sasiprapa is a former Rajadamnern and WBC champion....

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“Embracing” The Thai Clinch: Embarrassment & Epiphanies Inside the Clinch

My Frustrations, Anxiety and Eventual Enlightenment Inside The Muay Thai Clinch

From Muay Thai Guy

HATED the clinch.

Whenever clinch training would go down I would try to find an excuse to miss out on grappling with the other fighters. I wasn’t proud when I would opt out of clinch class, but my fear of being embarrassed, getting kneed at will, and being tossed around like a rag doll would always win over.

SUCKED at the clinch.

Mainly because I would always avoid training it!

Although I was well aware of the fact that I would always back out of clinch training, I would try to make myself feel better by telling myself that I’m a good enough fighter to do well without engaging on the inside. Who needs the clinch when you can just knock people out with your hands right?


Unfortunately, I had to learn this through experience, which in hindsight was probably the only way I was going to actually learn the importance of training and...

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6 Muay Thai Low Kick Setup Techniques

Advanced Muay Thai Techniques: How To Set Up The Low Kick

From Muay Thai Guy

The Muay Thai low kick is a crucial technique that helps limit your opponents movement and deliver some serious damage, which could eventually lead to a fight stoppage.

As you progress as a nak muay, you need to learn how to set up certain low kick techniques so you are able to land them without the risk of getting them checked or blocked.

Take a look at these 6 Muay Thai low kick techniques and try adding some of them to your bag of tricks.

6 Muay Thai Low Kick Setup Techniques

Here are the 6 muay thai techniques you’ll find in the tutorial video:

  1. Fake and Drag – Fake a low kick by turning your hip slightly and dragging your back foot. This will ideally draw your opponent’s leg up to try to check your attack. Once they plant their foot back down, that’s when you throw the low kick.
  2. Stiff Arm – Use a stiff arm or a long guard to drive your opponent back....
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How To Throw A Flying Knee In Muay Thai

Muay Thai Flying Knee Technique Tutorial and Tips

From Muay Thai Guy

If you were to throw and land an awesome technique like the Muay Thai flying knee, you’ll feel like an official badass.

Although this advanced technique may seem difficult at first, if you break it down into a step-by-step movement, you should be able to throw it comfortably and correctly in just a few training sessions!

Learning how to throw a flying knee is cool and all, but make sure when you are fighting you use it sparingly and cautiously since it does leave you open for counters. Although it’s a great surprise attack that can be used to strike your opponents head or body, it shouldn’t be the only technique you focus on during training and fights. Remember – the basics win fights!

How To Throw a Muay Thai Flying Knee Video Tutorial


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There’s a lot that goes into...

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Overcoming the Fear of Getting Hit


By Sean Fagan

Scared of getting punched in the face?

Worried about wearing a body kick on your ribs?

Don’t like the pain of getting your kicks checked?

Well, believe it or not, you are not alone. Almost everyone who starts out training Muay Thai has the same fears you do. They don’t want to get hurt. They don’t want their pretty face punched in. They avoid sparring because they are worried about being embarrassed or beat up.

Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, if you want to improve your technique and actually become competent in the art of Muay Thai, you are going to have to face your fears at one point or another.

You are going to have to come to terms with pain, anxiety, and fear. You are going to have to be a little crazy if you want to be successful in the art of eight limbs.

Now I don’t mean to brag but, I’m really good at getting...

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How To Set Up The Liver Punch KO

The Liver Shot – Muay Thai Technique Tutorial

By Sean Fagan

The Pit.

The liver shot is can absolutely CRIPPLE your opponent if you set it up and place properly. The human body can’t help but react when it gets pummeled to the liver… it’s a horrible, painful feeling.

Kickboxing legend Ernesto Hoost is known for his signature liver punch technique followed by a brutal low kick. Watching how much power and force he puts into each and every liver punch is INSANE. Even when his opponents were aware of his powerful liver punch, he would find ways to open up his opponents guard with setups like the one in the technique video below.

Learn how to set up a liver punch like Ernesto Hoost so you can KO your opponents or drop your sparring partners to their knees!

Do you know an even MORE brutal shot to take to the body?

Well, if you’re a Muay Thai guy (or girl) then you should know about the power behind a...

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6 Muay Thai Clinch Techniques: Knees, Elbows, Throws and Drills

Muay Thai Knees, Elbows and Sweep Techniques

By Sean Fagan

The Muay Thai clinch.

It can be your best friend or your worst enemy… and I’m guessing you want to be friends with your clinch game right?

When it comes to learning the intricacies of the clinch game it can get a bit overwhelming. There are basically an infinite number of clinch knees, elbows, sweeps, defensive moves and off-balance techniques that you have to be aware of to be proficient when battling on the inside.

So, in order to help you add more variety to your and embrace the clinch game I want to share you some of the best Muay Thai clinch techniques that you should consider adding to your skill set.

First I want to show you a couple effective clinch knee techniques that you can utilize to land a flush knee either to your opponents body or head. The first video below is by UK Muay Thai champ, Damien Trainor of K-Star Legacy Gym who demonstrates a useful off-balancing technique followed by a...

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