How NOT To Muay Thai Kick: 8 Common Roundhouse Kick Mistakes


The roundhouse kick is arguably the second most common and second most important kick you will ever learn in Muay Thai, with numero uno being the teep.

Before we go into all the mistakes it is possible to make when throwing the roundhouse kick, you must first understand why the roundhouse kick is even more important in Muay Thai than in MMA or even kickboxing. 

In Thai stadium scoring, kicks and knees are scored higher than punches. Not only that, a “block” with the arms (like the double forearm block) does not count as a block.

If you’ve ever been kicked hard in the arms by a true nak muay, you know why… because it still hurts. 

Aside from that, there is another reason you should be spending more time trying to master your roundhouse kick. It is the most powerful tool you have to land a knockout.

You may have trouble knocking people out with punches, but you will not have trouble...

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Muay Thai Roundhouse Kick Technique Tips


By Sean Fagan

Needless to say, the Muay Thai roundhouse kick is what makes Muay Thai one of the most deadliest martial arts in the world.

However if you throw a Muay Thai kick with sloppy technique you be less efficient (which makes you more tired) and you will leave openings in your defense.

Even though the roundhouse kick is one of the most basic Muay Thai techniques you’ll first learn when you step into a gym, it takes a lifetime to perfect. I’ve been training Thai boxing over 10 years now and still know that there is plenty of room to improve my kick technique to add more power and speed to it.

 How NOT To Muay Thai Kick: 8 Common Mistakes

Basic Kick Technique Tips

  • Be loose! Your leg should almost be completely dead weight that is guided by your hips, shoulders and torso.
  • Push up on the balls of your post foot. This will help you generate more hip action and be more free to rotate through. If you...
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