Muay Thai Styles: Muay Khao

Meet The Muay Thai Knee Fighter

From Muay Thai Guy

Muay Thai is not one style.

The art of Muay Thai extends to Muay Boran, and from Muay Boran, it extends out even further.

Muay Thai is as mixed as any martial art can be. However, like how boxing has the counter-puncher, brawler, boxer-puncher, etc., Muay Thai has many fighting styles of its own as well.

Today, the focus is on the masters of the clinch, the Muay Khao. Muay Khaos are the smothering fighters. They are terrors to fight and will not give you a single second to rest. You may think of them as the terminator mixed with an octopus. They never stop moving forward. They seek to smother, and when they do grab you, you’ll end up twisted and ragdolled.

In short, it’s not fun. However, the Muay Khaos do have weaknesses that may be exploited. To find these weaknesses, check out the Evolve MMA video below:

As you’ve learned in the video above, distance is a key to defeating the Muay Khao. You may use the jab to create dist...

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Where to Learn Muay Boran in Thailand

muay boran thailand May 16, 2019

Where to Learn Muay Boran in Thailand

By Paul Garrigan

Muay Boran is a Thai martial art that is still relatively unknown in the West. The movies of Tony Jaa have helped to showcase this impressive combat system, but there can be confusion as to what this style actually involves and where to go to learn it.

It is only relatively recently that westerners visiting Thailand had much of an opportunity to receive instruction in this Thai martial art but things are changing. Due to the growing demand for Muay Boran some of the more popular Muay Thai camps (in places like Phuket) are now providing courses for their students. There are also a number of traditional training camps that are willing to teach this traditional art to foreigners.

The options for learning Muay Born in Thailand would include:

Muay Thai Conservation Centre

The Muay Thai Conservation Centre is located to the rear of the National Stadium near Siam Square.

The main instructor at the school is Master Suphan and ...

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