What Is The Wai Kru in Muay Thai?

The Meaning of the Traditional Pre Fight Muay Thai Dance Ritual

From Muay Thai Guy


Performing the whole wai kru is tougher than it looks.

Most thai fighters make this traditional Muay Thai dance look easy with their fluent and graceful motionsā€¦ I on the other hand sucked when I first tried the entire wai kru!

But if youā€™re serious about Muay Thai and want to compete in it one day or if you would just like to know more about the rich Muay Thai traditions like the wai kru or the ram muay, scroll down and start reading!

What Is The Wai Kru?

Is it the same as the Ram Muay?

The traditional Muay Thai dance ritual is composed of 2 parts. The wai kru and the ram muay. Itā€™s performed before the fight with traditional sarama or muay thai music.

TheĀ WaiĀ is a traditional greeting by the thai people where they put their hands together like a prayer.Ā KruĀ means teacher. As a whole theĀ wai kruĀ is a way to pay respect to your coaches, gym, training partners and family. The wai kru ...

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