5 BEST Pre Fight Movies To Watch To Get Inspired


By Evan Lee

Many athletes when they want to get hyped listen to music. Michael Phelps famously listens to some Eminem and specifically “Lose Yourself” before his competitions.

But what about movies? They can definitely provide the same inspirational jolt!

Here's the thing about movies that’s better than music: the effect is far longer-lasting and they can do much more than hype you up. Films can even give you great goals and dreams to strive towards. We’ve no doubt all heard amazing stories of sports icons and been inspired by them. How many people were inspired to do martial arts after seeing Royce Gracie strangle his way to victory?

A film can create the same inspiration. Just look at how many astronauts and space entrepreneurs were inspired to move into those careers because of something like Star Trek

That is the power of not just film but storytelling. Now, it is of course vital to...

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