7 Reasons To Start Martial Arts Later In Life


By Evan Lee

Think it’s too late to start training in your 30s? 40s? 50s? It’s not. No matter what age you are, whether you’re eight or 80, it’s never too late to begin training.

Hang on – how’s that old saying go? “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks“? No. The new saying goes, “The quickest way to become an old dog is to stop learning new tricks.”

Martial arts is not simply a new way for you to view the world, it can lead to a completely new you.

Check out this Evolve MMA video outlining seven ways martial arts will change you and your world:

Never Too Late To Start

Let me address the most common worry about starting martial arts post-20’s: “But I’m not in good enough shape to start training!”

Hear this: Few people actually begin martial arts in good shape. They begin martial arts, then they get in good shape. Plus, if you’re worried that you’ll be killed in training, you won’t. You can progress at your own pace. If you...

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