Muay Thai Abs & Core Workouts


By Sean Fagan

Abs workouts and core conditioning for a fighter means much more than just developing a six-pack.  You must focus on training your abs to help you improve movement patterns, strength, and overall performance.

Obviously, your core is extremely important as a Muay Thai fighter. If you have a strong and stable core it will lead to more powerful kicks and punches, better footwork, more efficient clinching, and the ability to absorb more punishment.

You must understand that improving your abs and core region is much more than crunches. In fact, I’m not a big advocate of crunching but I do understand Muay Thai and combat fighters are different and some crunching exercises can be performed.

Today I am going to share two Core and Abs Finisher workout circuits that I use with my fighters at the end of our conditioning for fighters session. These are short, but intense Muay Thai abs...

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Muay Thai Sprint Workout & Bodyweight Circuit


By Sean Fagan

Are you constantly looking to improve your strength and conditioning in one aspect or another? Well, this intense Muay Thai sprint workout and bodyweight circuit is one of my favorite and best workouts to do that will help improve your anaerobic threshold, explosiveness and overall endurance.

It seems relatively simple (and it can be if you slack off) but it can really push and improve your cardio if you are able to perform the sprint workout with intensity and focus. This is what the entire exercise circuit consists of:

  • 10 Pushups
  • 10 Jump Squats
  • 50 Yard Sprint (jog back to start)
  • 10 Plyo Pushups
  • 10 Jump Lunges
  • 50 Yard Sprint (jog back to start)
  • Repeat for 5 sets

Watch the workout video to see the sprint and bodyweight circuit in action:

Muay Thai Sprint Workout and Bodyweight Circuit 


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Muay Thai Low Kick Drill


By Sean Fagan

One of my favorite types of Muay Thai pad work to do is this Muay Thai low kick drill! This is a great kicking drill especially if you have my style of fighting which is very similar to the Dutch style of kick boxing – hard hand combinations finished with brutal leg kicks.

This Muay Thai low kick technique drill is great because unlike heavy bag training or light sparring, you can work on everything that makes a low roundhouse kick so devastating. It will help you find your distancing, flow with your hand combinations, work on reaction speed and throw 100% power into each and every low roundhouse kick.

Click here or on the technique video below to check out my trainer, John Nuculovic and I doing a round of low kick pad work!


In this particular Muay Thai training video I’m only throwing low roundhouse kicks to my trainers lead leg, however, you

can add opposite side low kicks as well (as...

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Intense 7-Minute Ab Workout For Fighters

abs core workout Jul 12, 2019


By Evan Lee

I enjoy multi-purposed tools, especially in fighting. These 'swiss army knife techniques' tend to find themselves fitting into cracks that are too tight for other tools.

It ought not come as a surprise then that I find enjoyment in developing core muscles. Developed proper, they look nice, aid in movement, act as a great natural body armor, and, thus, all our bases are covered.  Actually...not quite.

Picking one trait to develop is easy, for instance: getting a 6-pack. Diet properly and the fat will melt like polar ice caps and the 6-packs will rise to sea level. But what good are looks if they do not function? We're going to try to piece this puzzle together and have you reap all the good fruits it has to bear.

3 Muay Thai Counters | How To Catch and Counter The Body Kick

A strong core isn't just about a strong core, it's about the entire body (we're talking stuff like harder shins, bigger forearms and...

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How To Increase Punching Power For Muay Thai

The Best Exercises & Workouts To Develop KO Power In Your Hands

By Sean Fagan

Want to increase punching power?

Want to learn how to punch hard so you can land the perfect knock out punch the next time you fight?

Want to know the best tips and great exercises that are sure to help you improve your punching power?

If you answered yes to all of those questions, scroll down to find great boxing, mma and Muay Thai training tips and the best explosive exercises to increase punching power!

Top 5 Exercises To Punch Harder

Explosive Pushups 

Plyometric exercises like explosive pushups are sure to help you increase your power punching. An explosive pushup is very similar to a regular pushup except you are pushing yourself off the ground as high as you can.To make it even more of a challenge, try doing explosive push ups like the guy to the right!

Clean and Press 

This full body power lifting exercise helps increase the power and explosiveness of your entire body.There...

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Kettlebell Workout for Muay Thai Fighters

Muay Thai Workout For Explosive Power and Optimal Strength

From Muay Thai Guy

kettlebells for muay thai fightersIf you’re like most nak muay, you have limited time to work on strength and conditioning for your muay thai. Fortunately, doing a kettlebell workout can yield amazing benefits for muay thai fighters in a relatively short amount of time. Not only that, but training with kettlebells will also dramatically improve your explosive power, muscular endurance, balance, coordination, overall strength and cardio.

Movements patterns done with kettlebell training can be very similar to the movements used in muay thai. Whether you’re punching, kicking, knees or clinching, all of those movements use the same biomechanics that you will use in the Kettlebell For Fighters Program.

Obviously as a fighter, you’re going to want to generate explosive strikes to dominate your next fight. The ballistic movements of kettlebells will help you develop that explosive strength and will give you more...

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