The Most Important Muay Thai Strike... The TEEP (or Push Kick)

How To Throw A Teep / Front Kick / Push Kick (All Same Same)

By Sean Fagan

You need to learn how to throw a push kick before you step into the ring to spar or fight!

This basic Muay Thai kick technique also called ‘teep’ or front kick is important for keeping your opponent at bay, upsetting his/her tempo and even using it to hurt your opponent!

Needless to say the teep technique seems like there isn’t much to it and that it wouldn’t really hurt that much getting hit by it. Take it from a guy who has been hit with a lot of front kicks to the body… that shit hurts!

There are many reasons why you should learning how to throw a push kick. Regardless whether you use it for offense, defense or set up purposes, it’s important to know the minor details in order to get the most out of your Muay Yhai front kick technique.

Basic Muay Thai Push Kick Technique Tips:

  • Push up on the balls of your post foot. This will help generate power, improve your accuracy and help push your opponent
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Muay Thai Switch Kick: KEY Technique Tips

Basic Muay Thai Techniques: How To Throw A Switch Kick Correctly

By Sean Fagan

If you’ve ever seen Buakaw throw a Muay Thai switch kick then you already know how powerful, fast and effective this type of Muay Thai kick is.

It’s one of the go to weapons for many Thai fighters and the switch kick should definitely be a part of your arsenal of attacks if you want to succeed in Muay Thai.

A Muay Thai switch kick is a basic Muay Thai technique but it doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn and perfect. Just like any basic or advanced kicking technique you have to learn how to throw your hips, shoulders and entire body into the strike to deal maximum damage. Check out these basic tips to help you get the full effect of the switch kick: 

Basic Switch Kick Technique Tips

  • Switch your feet quickly! Don’t give your opponent a chance to defend your kicks by telegraphing the switch.
  • Switch your hips too. It’s not just your feet switching it’s also your hips. Without your hips your switch kick
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The Muay Thai Stance: Breakdown and Analysis

muay thai stance technique May 16, 2019

The Basic Fighting Stance For Muay Thai

By Sean Fagan

Now I don’t have the typical Muay Thai Stance, but it does have a lot of similarities to the traditional fighting stance that the Thai boxers use. Regardless whether or not you choose to do your Muay Thai training in the same type of fighting stance that I do, it’s important to take in consideration these factors:

  • Feet shoulder width apart to allow for easy movement and a solid base to attack and defend from.
  • Elbows tucked in to allow straighter punches and protect from body strikes. The traditional Thai fighting stance would have your hands a little higher with your palms facing outwards. I prefer to have my fists in towards my chin.
  • Hands up and chin tucked! Pretend you have a $100 bill underneath your chin and you lose it if you drop it!
  • Have power hand/foot in back. This will allow for you to turn your hip into your more powerful, natural side.
  • Never be flat footed. Make sure to be light on your feet and have your bac
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How To Throw a Muay Thai Low Kick

The Basics of a Muay Thai Low Kick

By Sean Fagan

It wasn’t until “The Fight That Changed History” where the Muay Thai low kick was seen as an incredibly effective and damaging weapon.

When there were no low kicks allowed, kick boxers could bounce around and not worry about having their legs chopped down. Now that 100% of Muay Thai fighters and kick boxers utilize the low kick, it’s important to know how to throw the Muay Thai low kick properly to maximize damage and limit the chances of having it blocked or counters.

Muay Thai Low Kick Basics

A few key tips about the basics on how to throw a muay thai low kick.

  • Kick with your shin. Not your foot! If you end throwing a low kick with your foot and you have it checked by your opponents knee or shin, chances are you will do some serious damage to your foot and possibly even break it.
  • Keep a defense. Just because you’re low kicking doesn’t mean you can forget about your defense. Make sure you use one of the three (or all three
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